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Day 1: In which we drive to Paula's birthplace, Perryton TX
We arrive at Perryton, deep in the Texas/Oklahoma panhandle. . . kinda flat |
If she had remained in Perryton into her teens, she would surely have
been "Miss Wheatheart" |
Opening day for "The Lord Of The Rings" in
Perryton. . . notice the crowds. |
When wheat is your thing, you have to have granaries |
Ah, the old train depot. . . every little Texas town has one |
Another thing every little Texas town has |
Paula didn't attend Perryton High School. . . their loss |
Day 2: In which we ascend a volcano and visit Trinidad, CO
Sunrise in the Oklahoma panhandle. . . kinda flat |
A woman outstanding in any field. . . kinda flat |
Typical Oklahoma panhandle view. . . kinda flat |
Northern New Mexico from the slopes of the Capulin Volcano |
Paula liked these tufts of wild grass in the snow inside the Capulin Volcano |
Trinidad, Colorado, on the hill overlooking the town |
Paula eats an apple and agitates a dog, Trinidad, Colorado |
Day 3: In which we visit two of Paula's admirers in Albuquerque, NM
Left to right, King's brother John, Ms. Wonderful, King's
cousin Doug |
Day 4: In which we spend the night in Chaco Canyon, NM
Snow over lava, near Albuquerque, New Mexico, on our way
to Chaco Canyon |
The paved secondary road on the way to Chaco Canyon |
The unpaved secondary road on the way to Chaco Canyon |
Paula shows off the Chaco Culture sign |
Paula walks toward the famous Pueblo Bonito site |
One of the grand kivas inside Pueblo Bonito |
Three story ruin inside Pueblo Bonito |
Our campground at sunset, Chaco Canyon. . . 19 degrees that night |
Day 5: In which we drive to the Grand Canyon
Sunrise. . . we survived. Breakfast was great. |
Another view of Pueblo Bonito |
Ship Rock, remnant of an explosive volcanic eruption that occurred around 30 million years ago in Northern New Mexico |
King gets his photo taken at sunset at the Grand Canyon, AZ |
Day 6: In which we drive to Bryce Canyon, UT
Sunrise at the Grand Canyon. . . Ms. Wonderful's turn to say cheese |
King waits in the car while Paula gawks |
Telephoto shot of same view |
Bridge over the Colorado at Marble Canyon, downstream from the Glen Canyon Dam |
Day 7: In which we drive through Bryce & Zion and return to Marble Canyon
Eleven below zero, and we are the ONLY visitors in Bryce Canyon |
Just to prove that we were there |
A typical view of Bryce Canyon |
Some disagreement between my GPS and the posted elevation |
Natural bridge at sunrise, Bryce Canyon |
Paula holding our little portable heater |
Inspiration Point, Bryce Canyon |
Paula on edge |
Windows in the Zion National Park tunnel |
Close up of one of the Zion National Park tunnel windows |
Awesome view after awesome view, Zion National Park |
View from the driver's window. . . you just can't stop gawking |
Paula blends in in her Coyote fur coat |
Really, Zion National Park is awesome |
Just awesome |
Just south of Glen Canyon Dam, we look across at the
Vermilion Cliffs just below Marble Canyon, AZ, where we will be spending the night |
Paula checks out the GPS at the same spot |
Looking back at the previous location from our fishing lodge below the
Vermilion Cliffs |
A beautiful evening at a fishing lodge near Marble canyon |
Day 8: In which we decide to head for HOME
Balanced rocks near the fishing lodge |
Paula takes a jog at dawn |
Paula jogs below the Vermilion Cliffs |
Near the Grand Canyon. I don't know if the sign is meant to inform or reassure |
Meteor Crater, AZ |
Meteor Crater, AZ, take two |
Painted Desert, AZ |
Day 9: In which we visit the VLA and King's cousin in Ruidoso, NM
The Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescopes, NM |
Paula with King's Cousin, Ellen |
Day 10: In which we arrive home after 3,500 miles
West Texas, where you can drive on the yellow line and nobody notices |
Trip Meter Says: 3,500 Miles door to door |