There was a disturbance outside the Wombat hostel (" a safe and quiet side street....") near the train station on the side opposite my hotel. A fight started inside the hostel (which seemed to be a popular place) and swung into the street (pun intended). After a bit, a plain-clothes cop drove up and arrested the troublemaker, who was highly agitated and angry. It seems no one involved in the fight was German as all the dialog took place in English.
As he was being arrested, the angry young man shouted insults at the young men he had been tussling with. The crowd seemed to evaluate the intensity and effectiveness of the insults by the level of their laughter. When the perpetrator shouted, "Nazis!" the crowd oooohed and aaaahed. This encouraged the insulter. As he was being pushed into the back seat of the police car, he let go one more volley, "Nazi, Nazi, Nazi Boys!" Then the fun was over and everyone went back to whatever they had been doing earlier.