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Claudio Gonzalez, Buenos Aires, Jorge Velaszuez, Josevina Sendoya

The central figure above is Claudio Gonzalez, the great Argentine singer and guitarist whose primary income is earned by singing on Calle Florida, a pedestrian mall in Buenos Aires. You can see how people are completely taken with his performance.

Surrounding Claudio are two friends and some of the folks who stopped to enjoy his remarkable voice on Saturday, July 3, 2004. At the upper left is Jorge Jesus Velazquez, songwriter, musician and collaborator. At bottom left, playing the guitar is Josefina Sendoya who, I think, is or was Claudio's sister-in-law.

Look at the older couple just below Jorge. They appeared to be very moved by Claudio's singing.  Here's a series of photos that capture some of the feeling between them.

To hear a sample of Claudio singing an excerpt from "Todo Cambia" with Jorge Velazquez singing harmony, click one of the audio selections below: